Saturday, 29 December 2012

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000

sorry - just testing out a gif, as i plan to be working with them a lot more in the next few months.

... brilliant! just discovered it doesn't display it properly on mobile devices. this is going to be a fun couple of months!

Friday, 21 December 2012

why have i not been informed about the existence of 'the fluffy-backed tit-babbler' before now??

Thursday, 20 December 2012

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

so as everybody knows, international jesus-day is almost upon us, so i thought i'd post this christmas card design i did a year or two ago. 

(you know... because frankincense is a type of incense... 
yeah... i guess if you have to explain it, then you probably haven't done your job very well.)

Tuesday, 18 December 2012


wow - so i just noticed one of my posts which was a half-arsed joke about sex toys seemed to be getting a lot of hits. it's even got three genuine comments in the comments section - look! one from the philippines! how exciting! it's even started a debate!


Protest outside a sex toy factory. The signs read 'Make Love, Not Dildos.'

eugh... god, i hate sundays.


  1. Day by day almost people are becoming very open to discuss about the sex toys. Nowadays, general people are also using different kinds of sex toys.

  2. I definitely agree with you Cristina, people are becoming open-minded about such things, especially the teens.
  3. Nice post. I found your website perfect for my needs. It contains wonderful and helpful posts.
    Sex Toys

"especially the teens!"

seems legit, so i'm jumping on the sex toy wagon (figuratively speaking).


more comments please porn-bots!

Friday, 14 December 2012

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

DELETED SCENES: because i haven't done anything for a while, i've decided to start posting things (beneath) which i've previously thought weren't very good/were a bit too scary/the ideas weren't fully developed/just plain didn't work/contain spelling mistakes and other serious errors etc. etc.

i guess it's like the dvd extras or something. enjoy!


alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustrationalixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustrationalixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustrationalixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration


alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustrationalixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration


alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

Sunday, 25 November 2012

this might be charles darwin, but i'm not sure.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

the steve with no name  (part 5)

“steve? are you in there?”

the slightly bewildered voice was that of his co-worker, vince, who was now nervously peering at steve’s home-made fort whilst simultaneously trying to figure out whether or not steve might also have a shotgun in there, and who in the office he was most likely to turn it on first.

steve popped his head out from the roof of his little ramshackle desk fort.

“... i don’t have a gun in here if that’s what you’re thinking.”

vince thought this was hardly the greatest sentence in the world to instil a sense of trust about firearms, so had gone with his initial plan of trying to build rapport with him instead.

“you know, i’ve always thought your hair really suited you... ” he replied nervously.

steve wasn’t entirely sure how to take this seeing as he was currently bald, but had decided to take it as a compliment anyway and had invited vince inside for a look around.

once inside, vince was actually quite impressed with the ergonomic proficiency of what steve had achieved with the place, which had a surprisingly more spacious feel than the mere 1 metre by 2 exterior of the desk would suggest – something which steve attributed to going through a slightly awkward ‘feng shui phase’ as a teenager. in truth, he had only done it to impress a girl he liked who lived in a bungalow down the road, but his attempts at trying to induce "a sense of space" into her parents’ modest dwellings had merely come across as patronising, and steve had totally struck out with her.

“er... look... steve, we need to... oh!

vince was momentarily impressed by a rather fetching print steve had adorned on one of the desk walls 

"... is that a Hokusai?“

before recalling the initial point of his endeavour.

“... er... i mean, look... are you alright?"

steve sheepishly looked at him with the eyes of a man who desperately needed to believe he was still at least vaguely intact with reality.  

"what do you mean?"

"it’s just, you seem to have been acting a little bit more... ”

vince kind of wanted to say ‘crazy’, but thought this might come across as a little bit insensitive – especially as he was still trying to establish whether or not there was indeed a shotgun involved yet.

“... well... a bit more mental than usual i guess.”

steve spoke suddenly with a sense of purpose which had the effect of catching vince off-guard. 

“look vince – I know that we’ve never really talked that much, and I know I don’t really like you... but I think I might need your help with something... 

"... oh."

an awkward and unexpected silence followed. 

"... and it needs to be now.” continued steve.

eventually, and after some consideration, it was the sad intensity in steve's eyes that vince felt was the most deserving of reply.

"what? 'now' as in 'now', now?"

"yes. we should leave immediately." 

"... oh... right."

vince looked at him with a vague uneasiness, and wondered why he was even considering it. if he was perfectly honest with himself, it was mainly the idea of getting out of work which was appealing to him - and always had been - ever since he had first seen 'the mask' as a teenager and been impressed at jim carrey's ability to get paid for shouting and wobbling about lots, whilst occasionally 'doing a face'. to these ends, vince somehow found himself apathetically shrugging and simply saying:

“... alright then... i guess.”

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

the steve with no name (part 4)

steve pulled himself from his thoughts and returned to the office he was currently pretending to do work in. the game of solitaire he was halfway through had suddenly lost its appeal with thoughts of accidentally killing his parents, and he decided to take the rest of the day off by building a little fort under his desk and trying to decide what he was actually going to do about everything. 

surely there must be someone still alive who could recall his actual name?

he seemed to remember the last living person who might have known would have been his aunty meryl, who had had the misfortune to die 13 years previously. unfortunately, this wasn’t much use to steve - or indeed to poor aunty meryl - and at her subsequent funeral, the only thing he could think of was how out of the blue it had all seemed and how he wished he had visited her a bit more in the 96 years leading up to her untimely death.

he also strangely seemed to remember thinking that the priest holding the sermon bore a striking resemblance to a picture he had once drawn when he was 8 years old. the picture had been that of a dog eating an ice cream and doing a cartwheel, which steve had been very proud of at the time, and had kept trying to hang on the family fridge despite his parents constantly taking it down again.

as it turned out, the unfortunate positioning of the dog’s tail had made it appear somewhat more 'phallic' than his parents felt comfortable with, and the resulting drips of ice cream the dog held had opened the picture up to an entirely more risqué interpretation than the one steve had innocently intended. but all of this was a little bit too much to explain to an 8 year old, so both parents had agreed that it was probably easier to carry on letting him think they just hated him as an artist: so that’s exactly what they had done, and steve had not drawn a dog or an ice cream since.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

the steve with no name (part 3)

the fire had of course been his fault. he hadn't done it intentionally, but he had definitely caused it.

it had come after one particularly invigorating home schooled lesson about the essence of life and how everything around him was living, which had unfortunately resulted in steve trying to hug the family fire place and accidentally getting a little bit of fire on the carpet - as well as on his parents and the rest of the house.

his dad, who was wearing a shell-suit and drinking brandy at the time, perished instantly, but steve had somehow managed to drag his mother to the safety of the road outside, where they both patiently waited for the fire engine neither of them had called.

he still remembered her dying words. at some point through the soot and tears he had managed to ask her what his real name was, to which she had rather un-satisfyingly answered 
"... well... it's definitely not steve..." before rather selfishly dying on him.

for some inexplicable reason, steve still blamed himself for her death.

when the fire brigade eventually arrived at the scene, it was all the firemen could do to comfort him by constantly reassuring him it wasn't his fault - although in retrospect, steve still wished he hadn't laid her in the road for the fire engine to run over her in the first place.

the steve with no name (part 2)

"how does a 35 year old man get to that age with absolutely no recollection as to what his name might be?"

this was not an uncommon (nor seemingly unreasonable) question put to steve.

the answer was of course long and tedious, and steve had long since carved out the niche response of suddenly pretending to be asleep whenever posed with it - at least until the offending asker had got bored of looking at him with shut eyes or got confused and wandered off to make coffee or something.

the long and short of it all had tragically begun with his parents untimely death, which steve had sort of been a little bit responsible for.

as he had been home schooled until the age of 10 and had little-to-no contact with the outside world, the nature of him having a name that other people could call him had never really come up before.

'son', 'you' or 'boy' were the most common nouns garnered for gaining his attention, but despite their jobs writing romantic fiction for women's magazines, even steve found it hard to believe his parents would have had such little imagination as to call their only son something so nondescript as "you".

i kind of had this idea for the beginning of a book, but i don't really know where it's going... it only started off as a title really. i guess he goes on a quest to find out his name or something. anyway, here's the beginning bit.

the steve with no name

(part 1)

steve still couldn't figure out if he really did have a name or not - neither could the people who knew him. when people used to ask him why everyone referred to him as 'the steve with no name' he used to reply that it was because his name "definitely wasn't steve."

it was long ago since his parents had signed his birth certificate, and due to the fact he hadn't been present at the signing and his parents hadn't thought to pass this information on to him, he was now kind of stuck in the nameless wilderness he currently found himself in.

the people at work weren't much use either. they often used to remark upon the fact he "kind of looked like a steve", although when pushed for further information as to the exact visual qualities that someone of a steve-looking disposition would possess, the conversation tended to nearly always end with the exclamation that they were "too busy for this kind of shit", or that "something urgent in the next room" had just come up and it was now time for them to attend to it.

the "urgent" thing was nearly always coffee, and they tended to forget that steve could see them making it through the little window in his office, so after a while, he simply just stopped asking.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

writers never get enough credit.

i mean, everyone knows what jesus's last name was ('h.christ', right?), but who the hell knows what mathew, mark, luke or john's last names were? i sure don't.

sure jesus was a good character, but they should have got a bit more credit for writing him.

i guess there were just fewer people back then. maybe they didn't need surnames - like madonna. there were probably only 4 lukes in existence (i miss those days), and they probably all had nick names to tell them apart on the rare occasion they were ever in the same room together (like 'fat luke', lukey '2-hands', 'lukey-lukey luke-luke', and 'luke who's talking?'... i'm guessing...)

hmmm... that last one is stupid.

i might have to research this a bit more.


Protest outside a sex toy factory. The signs read 'Make Love, Not Dildos.'

eugh... god, i hate sundays.

Monday, 8 October 2012

if you're ever in the park on your own at 2am on a saturday and a wizard tries to beckon you over, always say 'no', because wizards are notorious sex pests.

how I deal with complaints.

okay, so i've had this little owl for a while now, and we've been through a lot together because i've carried him around in the notebook in my bag for almost a year now, but i've never really known what to do with him, so i thought i'd give him some colour because he's always been there for me, and his name is olly and he plays in a metal band on wednesdays.

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

alixtron, alixtron4000, alixtron_4000, illustration

Thursday, 9 August 2012

i have just seen a missing animal poster with a picture of three separate cats on it.

to lose one cat is careless, but to lose three at the same time makes me think they all ran away together.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Sunday, 1 July 2012


i have recently decided to do an experiment on myself to see whether i can live without the internet for a month. it shouldn't really be a big deal, but it obviously is. my whole life revolves around it - mainly as a source of distraction. i'm hoping by proving to myself i can live without it, i will become more productive and driven. i'm not going to lie - it's going to be god damn tough, but hopefully the benefits will be worth it.

yeah, so that's right - guess this blog is going to be pretty dull for the next month.

i should be back in 4 weeks though with a whole load of crazy ass next-level shit and stuff... hopefully.

(i also hope i don't just end up staring at the walls and crying for a month, as i'm kind of saving that for september when i finally turn 30.)

see you on the other side people!

some little guys i did for people for christmas one year. now all i have left of them is this badly taken photograph. they grow up so fast! i worry about them sometimes - out there all alone in the big bad world. ... *sniff*...  
i wonder how they're doing....